उत्पाद सहायता में कच्ची सामग्रियों का पता लगाने की क्षमताYes
उत्पाद निरीक्षण विधिInspection of all products
सभी उत्पादन लाइनों पर किया गया गुणवत्ता नियंत्रणYes
QA/QC निरीक्षक2
व्यापार बैकग्राउंड
मुख्य क्लाइंट प्रकारRetailer, Engineer, Wholesaler, Brand business, For private use, Manufacturer
R&D क्षमताएं
कस्टमाइज़ेशन के विकल्पcustomized on demand, light customization, sample processing, graphic processing
पिछले साल लॉन्च किए गए नए उत्पाद50
R&D इंजीनियर1
R&D इंजिनियर शिक्षा स्तर1 juniorCollege
कंपनी की समीक्षाएं (40)
4.5 /5
आपूर्तिकर्ता सेवा
समय पर शिपमेंट
उत्पाद गुणवत्ता
10 Mar 2025 19:28
i have been ordering Android Stereo units from this supplier.
Product quality is axcellent plus full technical support if there are problems encountered.
We did struggle to install the device at first but with the help of the supplier and google aswell we did manage and its so amazing I would recomend this to anyone . The only problem we came across was on the screen bracket for this 12.3 inch was not correct we had to do a modification so that it fits but its perfect